Shegun Otulana, Therapy Brands

Hello, Customers. I’m Listening. (NOTE: This post was published in 2019, when Therapy Brands was a finalist for the Birmingham Venture Club’s Jemison Award). It’s January 2013 and Shegun Otulana is running a software development firm with one programmer: Himself. Five years later, he’s running a company — TheraNest — with 300 employees, of whom […]
Tony Summerville, Fleetio

BirminghamTech, Generation 2.0 (NOTE: This post was originally published in 2018) In 1982, a novelty band calling itself The MBAs released the album “Born To Run Things” — a title which fairly well describes Tony Summerville. “Growing up, I always knew I would start my own company. It runs in the family. My father and […]
David Sher,

A Success Story In Four Acts David Sher has a long list of career accomplishments he can justifiably take pride in, but none in my book greater than his role as the producer of Mr. King’s “T-Buff” commercials. For you unfortunates currently drawing a blank, Mr. King was once a Birmingham furniture store offering easy […]