VIDEO SERIES: Malcolm McDonald, Endeavor

Since I profiled Malcolm in 2021, he’s become the local GM of Endeavor — an international non-profit, led by a Who’s Who of business luminaries, that supports genuinely gifted and promising entrepreneurs (like Fleetio‘s Tony Summerville — whom I profiled in 2018).
After hearing him describe his work with Endeavor in a recent panel discussion, two things were clear: 1) I wanted to profile Malcolm again. 2) Malcolm in his own words is a lot more interesting than anything I could write.
I’ve included two versions of Malcolm’s video profile. The first one below focuses exclusively on Endeavor. The second one includes his previous startup-career experiences — at Trucker Path, then Vicinity Capital — as well as his intervening years at Porter Capital.
NOTE: I make no pretense of being a professional videographer or editor. I shot Malcolm on my phone, using a budget lavalier I bought at Amazon — then edited everything with PowerDirector18, which I bought on eBay for $5.34.
If you want to see what a professionally-shot-and-edited Hare Communications video looks like, scroll to the bottom of the page!
Version One: Endeavor
Version Two: Malcolm McDonald Uncut
This is one of a series of videos we produced promoting ProxsysRx’s management of the 340B prescription-discount program for eligible health systems. Since we launched Proxsys’s 340B marketing campaign 22 months ago, the total 340B revenue they’ve generated for hospitals has more than tripled — to $435 million.
If you’d like to learn more about our work for ProxsysRx, not to mention the extraordinary success they’ve enjoyed since they hired us in 2021, Click Here.
KNOW SOMEONE I SHOULD PROFILE (including yourself)?
Click Here to contact me. Thanks!
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